
Download the ls1 mardyn source code

By downloading the ls1 mardyn source code from this website, you have understood to accept the terms of the ls1 mardyn license (BSD two-clause license). Please cite the work of Niethammer et al. (2014), J. Chem. Theory Comput. 10: 4455, in all publications containing the results of MD simulations with the ls1 mardyn program.


The code of ls1 mardyn is being developed as open source on GitHub.

 Version used for most recent world record (WR 2017) of largest MD simulation

This revision of the ls1 mardyn software comprises several extensions, including a redesign of the SIMD vectorization via wrappers, MPI improvements for better strong scalability and a software redesign to allow memory-efficient execution with the production trunk, as well as two novel OpenMP traversal schemes. Details on the software extensions and the performance results can be found in: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1094342018819741

The development team can be contacted via the ls1 mardyn contact point at the University of Kaiserslautern.

Visualization Framework MegaMol

MegaMol is a cross-platform visualization prototyping framework that was designed to visualize very large data sets, e.g. particle data. The software can be downloaded from GitHub. ls1 mardyn provides output plugins to write out particle data in appropriate file formats, e.g. MMPLD.